We are leaving our COVID information up for the time being but would also like to highlight that whilst we are now officially out of the Pandemic, Kerry is immune suppressed/compromised so we would be very grateful if you could be aware of this when attending with a virus of some kind as this can have quite a big knock on effect to her. We are very aware that this can be a difficult subject for some and our cancellation policy does still stand at 24hrs notice but just having an awareness of what this could mean for Kerry and our business would be great - we very much appreciate it, thank you.
FREE resources below to support young people during self isolation and social distancing.
Important information:
These are unprecedented times and the lockdowns over the last year have had a wide and varied affect on all. Here at YIC we have taken the pandemic very seriously. When the lockdown was announced we closed our site and assessed all our clients on an individual basis. We discussed our thoughts with our clients and parent/carers where necessary and kept in touch throughout. When the measures for easing the first lockdown were announced we started to think about how to re-introduce our vital face to face sessions and over several weeks, introduced a phased return. We were pleased to announce that all clients, with effect from the 6th July, were given the option to come back to the office for their counselling sessions.
We continue to monitor the situation closely and have put some new rules in place:
No parents/carers are allowed to stay on the premises.
Please notify us as soon as possible of any COVID 19 symptoms and DO NOT attend your session
No drinks will be offered, please do bring your own if needed.
Hands must be washed on entry. Soap and paper towels are provided along with hand sanitiser for anyone who may be struggling with this regime.
Prompt time keeping must be adhered to; if you arrive too early please wait outside the building or on the landing until a couple of minutes before your time slot. (Chairs have been provided).
All payments to be made by bank transfer where possible.
We have changed our appointment times and given ourselves slightly longer between each client to enable us to thoroughly clean. The rooms, surfaces, door handles, tools and resources are all wiped down and aired as much as possible and our rooms have been changed to enable social distancing.
We do not insist that you wear a mask but if you wish to then please do.
If you have any questions then please do ask, we are more than happy to chat through any concerns you may have.
This information may be updated as needed in-line with the government's guidance in dealing with the pandemic.
Any major updates such as the temporary closing of the YIC Centre will be mentioned on the website, Facebook and Instagram pages and those who are already clients with us will be contacted personally.